We hope that you are pleased with your new Accelo Racewear product. Please read through the product care instructions below for your specific suit. Should you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback, do not hesitate to contact us. Customer satisfaction is our priority.
While no race suit can ever be guaranteed to be fire proof, only fire retardant,
we offer the following care instructions to keep your suit performing as well as looking its best.
We do not recommend dry cleaning, as the chemicals used for dry cleaning are quite harsh, which can alter the integrity of the fire retardant material used in your suit. Also, they can be flammable. Dry cleaning fluids have a vape period of 15-21 days, which means during that time there is an increased amount of the chemical left in the suit, potentially compromising your suit's fire resistance.
We strongly recommend using our Accelo Racewear Detergent that was developed and created specifically to wash your Accelo suit. We strongly advise against using any detergent that has a fabric softener in it. Fabric softener works by breaking down the fibers, which is not what you want for your suit. A stiffer fabric with a tighter weave is safer.
Hand washing is best for your suit, if you have the time.
Also, you should only air dry your suit. If you choose to wash the suit in a machine, we recommend using a gentle wash cycle with either cold or warm water. Before washing the suit, knock off all loose dirt, turn the suit inside out, zip it up completely and close all pieces of Velcro, and let the washer do its thing. After washing, hang it to air dry.
If your suit is extremely dirty, place it in the bathtub or large bucket of water to soak overnight.
Rinse it off in the morning, turn it inside out, and wash it as usual.
If your suit is not too dirty, but smells bad, here is a tip. Brush the dirt off, hang it and let it completely dry. Then place it in the freezer for 12-24 hours. The bacteria that causes the smell will be killed off in the freezer. However, if you put a wet/damp suit in the freezer, when you take it out you will have the worst smell ever on your hands.

The care for your gloves should be similar to caring for your SFI rated suit.
We do not recommend dry cleaning, as the chemicals used for dry cleaning are quite harsh, which can alter the integrity of the fire retardant material used in your gloves. Also, they can be flammable. Dry cleaning fluids have a vape period of 15-21 days, which means during that time there is an increased amount of the chemical left in the gloves, potentially compromising your product’s fire resistance.
Hand washing is best for your gloves, if you have the time. Also, you should only air dry your gloves. If you choose to wash the gloves in a machine, we recommend using a gentle wash cycle with either cold or warm water, along with our Accelo Racewear Suit Detergent. Before washing them, knock off all loose dirt, close all pieces of Velcro, and let the washer do its thing.
After washing, hang them to air dry.
If your gloves are extremely dirty, place them in the bathtub to soak overnight.
Rinse them off in the morning, and wash them as usual.
If your gloves are not too dirty, but smell bad, here is a tip. Brush the dirt off, hang them and let them completely dry. Then place them in the freezer for 12-24 hours. The bacteria that causes the smell will be killed off in the freezer. However, if you put wet/damp gloves in the freezer, when you take them out you will have the worst smell ever on your hands.

While no product is going to last forever, we offer the following care instructions to
keep your stuff performing as well as looking its best.
To help prevent oil, gas, and rubber stains on your suit/gloves, it is recommended to Scotchguard your karting suit/gloves to help them stay looking fresh and new. When it becomes necessary to clean your suit/gloves, it is recommended that you have your karting suit/gloves dry cleaned, to extend the life of your suit/gloves. If you wash your suit/gloves, we recommend hand washing or washing them on a delicate cycle in the washing machine inside a garment wash bag with COLD water. Please make sure that the belt and collar are closed on the suit to prevent the velcro from causing damage to the interior lining of the kart suit. Woolite soap is recommended as it is a non-abrasive detergent. DO NOT use bleach or anything similar. When drying the suit/gloves, always let the suit/gloves drip dry, indoors (out of the sunlight). The karting suit will dry faster if turned inside out.
Thank you and enjoy your new product!
~Accelo Racewear